As you all know we often keep the Lil Twitch for Miss Ryan while she is away and there are times when really one must wonder if this is a secret plot to see what Miss Amber can handle!
Now I am a very fun loving mommy, I try to parent with an even hand and often pride myself on finding humor in all of the little bumps along the road of parenting/childhood. This is often tested tho when you pair the Lil minions with Twitch. You see I truly believe that if it is on their Top 10 Thing To Try List they will often try them out with the aid of Twitch.(secretly I believe he is the distraction for their ploy's)
So you can imagine my excitement when while cooking dinner for the Lil tribe, and trying to well just do the high spots cleaning, while listening to Rori singing, and making sure Lil Dragon was able to get his Icy Pop open to hear the vacuum! Oh the vacuum, this is my most favorite chore of all household duties, and well as you might of guessed I am often the only one to wield this Lil machine. So when I heard the vacuum I was instantly relieved, to think that my oldest was vacuuming the basement! Here is were I really must have been delusional! First off I should have realized when Rori came in and decided to belt out her favorite tune from the Island Barbie Princess that I was in fact being baited!
It was about the time that I came to my senses when Lil Aubry hops up the stairs in a grand execution of skill and purpose and proclaimed " ShelbyLee is vacuuming Twitch, and he looks soooooo Fancy!" That I dang near took out the Lil Dragon Icy Pop and all to make my way to the stairs. I am sure of one thing, there was a hip check to Lil Dragon, a block with the arm to the singing Roo, and a full body check to the Aubry blocking my way. I know I hold nothing back when it comes to rescuing small animals. Especially since that small animal in question was the BOSS'S DOG!
I swear to you that what awaited me took my breath away. There in the second stairwell sits Twitch with my oldest using the brush attachment vacuuming him! Now how in the free world she thought that the vacuuming of a dog was a good idea is beyond me, but never you fear her steadfast logic prevailed. Here is how this convo went:
Me: What in the free world are you doing?
SL&T: Vacuuming Twitch. Twitch looks at me with utter annoyance
Me: On what planet would you think that it is a good idea to vacuum Twitch? (Me unplugging impending danger)
SL & T: Seriously Mom? He is shedding. Hence the vacuum, now can you plug it in?
Me: Um Hello you could hurt him!
SL &T: Ya um, as you can tell he is in immeasurable pain! Not! Mom he is fine, he even likes it. (Pulls Twitch to her while he glares at me like I took his bone)
Me: Fine, but I swear if you suck up an eye don't you dare come crying to me. And if you do suck up and eye you better like to sew because we are going to have to open up a sweat shop because mommy will be unemployed!
SL & T: You got a deal , now plug us in we are trying to finish this before we go for our scooter ride.
Folks there are those days in my life that really I see first hand that God really gets a kick out of seeing how I will handle the boomerang's he puts in my life! I tell you I know for a fact he was having a great laugh at the whole scenario!
Praise be to God Twitch came out of the vacuuming unscathed and honestly looking way good. My daughter has another notch in her belt of See Mom, and I donated money to another bottle of Riesling to calm my nerves. I mean can you imagine telling your boss " Hey, how was your trip? Ya so Twitch has a eye patch, but never you fear I bedazzled the heck out of it and now it gives him a real tough dog edge don't you think?"
Now I am a very fun loving mommy, I try to parent with an even hand and often pride myself on finding humor in all of the little bumps along the road of parenting/childhood. This is often tested tho when you pair the Lil minions with Twitch. You see I truly believe that if it is on their Top 10 Thing To Try List they will often try them out with the aid of Twitch.(secretly I believe he is the distraction for their ploy's)
So you can imagine my excitement when while cooking dinner for the Lil tribe, and trying to well just do the high spots cleaning, while listening to Rori singing, and making sure Lil Dragon was able to get his Icy Pop open to hear the vacuum! Oh the vacuum, this is my most favorite chore of all household duties, and well as you might of guessed I am often the only one to wield this Lil machine. So when I heard the vacuum I was instantly relieved, to think that my oldest was vacuuming the basement! Here is were I really must have been delusional! First off I should have realized when Rori came in and decided to belt out her favorite tune from the Island Barbie Princess that I was in fact being baited!
It was about the time that I came to my senses when Lil Aubry hops up the stairs in a grand execution of skill and purpose and proclaimed " ShelbyLee is vacuuming Twitch, and he looks soooooo Fancy!" That I dang near took out the Lil Dragon Icy Pop and all to make my way to the stairs. I am sure of one thing, there was a hip check to Lil Dragon, a block with the arm to the singing Roo, and a full body check to the Aubry blocking my way. I know I hold nothing back when it comes to rescuing small animals. Especially since that small animal in question was the BOSS'S DOG!
I swear to you that what awaited me took my breath away. There in the second stairwell sits Twitch with my oldest using the brush attachment vacuuming him! Now how in the free world she thought that the vacuuming of a dog was a good idea is beyond me, but never you fear her steadfast logic prevailed. Here is how this convo went:
Me: What in the free world are you doing?
SL&T: Vacuuming Twitch. Twitch looks at me with utter annoyance
Me: On what planet would you think that it is a good idea to vacuum Twitch? (Me unplugging impending danger)
SL & T: Seriously Mom? He is shedding. Hence the vacuum, now can you plug it in?
Me: Um Hello you could hurt him!
SL &T: Ya um, as you can tell he is in immeasurable pain! Not! Mom he is fine, he even likes it. (Pulls Twitch to her while he glares at me like I took his bone)
Me: Fine, but I swear if you suck up an eye don't you dare come crying to me. And if you do suck up and eye you better like to sew because we are going to have to open up a sweat shop because mommy will be unemployed!
SL & T: You got a deal , now plug us in we are trying to finish this before we go for our scooter ride.
Folks there are those days in my life that really I see first hand that God really gets a kick out of seeing how I will handle the boomerang's he puts in my life! I tell you I know for a fact he was having a great laugh at the whole scenario!
Praise be to God Twitch came out of the vacuuming unscathed and honestly looking way good. My daughter has another notch in her belt of See Mom, and I donated money to another bottle of Riesling to calm my nerves. I mean can you imagine telling your boss " Hey, how was your trip? Ya so Twitch has a eye patch, but never you fear I bedazzled the heck out of it and now it gives him a real tough dog edge don't you think?"
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Gee Mom I am just vacuuming the dog! |