It is often an unwritten code that the people who work in Retail must have a PHD in Crazy! You see working in retail can often bring you the unexpected, this is why I often wonder why we have a bell on the door due to the fact that when the door opens I jump anyway.
Miss Ryan and I have laughed our way through some of the most outrageous individuals that we have had walk through the door, but every once in awhile you will have just 1 person who will NEVER leave your memory of working retail. It is a scar if you will that has been left on your psyche that well just can't be fixed from the chance encounter.
Miss Ryan as you all know often brings Twitch to the store so that he can do inventory, steam the new clothes, give autographs, and check the perimeter. This is common knowledge and even if you have yet to come to our little boutique you are even warned of Twitch's presence by a sign in our window stating we are protected by him.
So while doing his greeting job Twitch was met with a Boston Terrier who was sporting a cast. No big deal since Twitch never discriminates, and yet the Terrier's mommy had a different view of Twitch's greeting her cast wearing mite. She immediately gasped in horror at the audacity that Miss Ryan would have a dog in her own store! You would think the way she reacted Miss Ryan had just tried to hand feed her little gimp to a boa constructor!
After making her exit and some one on one affirmations to Twitch the situation was added to the "People are Crazy"case file #4565 of retail.
But to say that the Boston Terrier was a precursor to what was about to befall Miss Amber would be far from it!
Miss Amber is a happy chic, she takes everything in stride, loves her job, and I would say she is about as sociable as can be! One thing tho, she is not one for surprises especially of the rodent variety, I know, I know they are all God's Creature's it doesn't matter she still is not about them.
While sitting at the desk minding her own Lil business Miss Amber greeted a shopper that came through the door with a smile and simple conversation. (she is just that good) All was going just swimmingly too, the gal asked to place her purse on the desk by Miss Amber and of course she was graciously allowed to do just that.
Here is the deal tho, you know when you see the "Questionable Fur"? You know the type it may or may not be cat or rabbit, and it is often a patchwork or strip pattern? Well that is just what this purse was like, and of course Miss Amber being a bag person did try to differentiate what fur this was and came to the distinct possibility that it was of the "Road Kill" variety. Now before you judge understand it was a patchy pattern in a dull mix of mousy greys, and may or may not have resembled the soft fur of rabbit or cat road kill.
After looking at the magic fur bag, Miss Amber carried on with her computer work while answering the question on pricing, and the "Yes that looks fantabulous!" cause you know our girl is the sweetest and just likes to make peeps happy. Well while typing away something so Horrific, so Life Changing, so Evil happened to Miss Amber!
Out of the side of her eye in the blink of an eye a rodents head popped up out of the purse!!!!! YES A FERRET'S HEAD!!!! Well the poor girl had no choice but to scream like H@#*, and jump off of her stool, and against the wall! So as the stool fell to the side, Miss Amber screamed and tried to use her spidey sense to crawl up the wall FYI she doesn't have spidey sense!
All the while the EVIL FERRET was not phased a bit and was proceeding on his mission to accost Miss Amber! But wait for it folks cause even the most seasoned retail sales people could not have predicted what was next! The woman rushed over to the desk and she grabbed her purse, which by that point the EVIL FERRET was scaling the handle while sporting his blue collar of death! She then proceeded to yell at poor terrified Miss Amber for being so loud and frightening "Bo Bo"! Yes you heard me correctly the EVIL FERRET had the name of a CLOWN!!!! As if that wasn't enough, the thing proceeded to climb the woman like a scratch post!
OK here is the deal-i-oso!! Why would you take a Ferret in a store???? And why would you not forewarn someone that at any moment the freakin thing could pull a "Pop Goes the Weasel" on their booty? HELLO??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? I mean there are certain store's, restaurants, heck even house's that Miss Amber will not take her children because she is not willing to impose on people. Why would anyone think it was super stellar cool to go shopping with a FERRET????
Now even though Miss Amber is beyond sweet, even she has a breaking point and that point was crossed 1/2 a second after the EVIL FERRET made his debut! So after trying to collect herself and fighting the urge to use the stool as a projectile at the EVIL FERRET and his Demonic Handler. She did the only thing she that you could after being scolded for screaming at her surprise attacker she asked her kindly in her most steady/serial killer voice to "Please retrieve your rat, and take him away! Seriously!" . To which the woman did in a huff while spewing something that sounded as another scolding.
It has been my experience that when you have not only frightened Miss Amber, but also angered her it was the best decision that the Demonic Handler did by leaving. There are the moments in one's life that you have to ask "Where do these people come from?" , then you have to ask your doctor for anxiety medication because you are poor nerves are shot!
After this incident the Sirens will exercise their right to ask that you Please Leave All Rat's, Ferret's, Goldfish, and Crazy People at HOME!!!!!
Miss Ryan and I have laughed our way through some of the most outrageous individuals that we have had walk through the door, but every once in awhile you will have just 1 person who will NEVER leave your memory of working retail. It is a scar if you will that has been left on your psyche that well just can't be fixed from the chance encounter.
Miss Ryan as you all know often brings Twitch to the store so that he can do inventory, steam the new clothes, give autographs, and check the perimeter. This is common knowledge and even if you have yet to come to our little boutique you are even warned of Twitch's presence by a sign in our window stating we are protected by him.
So while doing his greeting job Twitch was met with a Boston Terrier who was sporting a cast. No big deal since Twitch never discriminates, and yet the Terrier's mommy had a different view of Twitch's greeting her cast wearing mite. She immediately gasped in horror at the audacity that Miss Ryan would have a dog in her own store! You would think the way she reacted Miss Ryan had just tried to hand feed her little gimp to a boa constructor!
After making her exit and some one on one affirmations to Twitch the situation was added to the "People are Crazy"case file #4565 of retail.
But to say that the Boston Terrier was a precursor to what was about to befall Miss Amber would be far from it!
Miss Amber is a happy chic, she takes everything in stride, loves her job, and I would say she is about as sociable as can be! One thing tho, she is not one for surprises especially of the rodent variety, I know, I know they are all God's Creature's it doesn't matter she still is not about them.
While sitting at the desk minding her own Lil business Miss Amber greeted a shopper that came through the door with a smile and simple conversation. (she is just that good) All was going just swimmingly too, the gal asked to place her purse on the desk by Miss Amber and of course she was graciously allowed to do just that.
Here is the deal tho, you know when you see the "Questionable Fur"? You know the type it may or may not be cat or rabbit, and it is often a patchwork or strip pattern? Well that is just what this purse was like, and of course Miss Amber being a bag person did try to differentiate what fur this was and came to the distinct possibility that it was of the "Road Kill" variety. Now before you judge understand it was a patchy pattern in a dull mix of mousy greys, and may or may not have resembled the soft fur of rabbit or cat road kill.
After looking at the magic fur bag, Miss Amber carried on with her computer work while answering the question on pricing, and the "Yes that looks fantabulous!" cause you know our girl is the sweetest and just likes to make peeps happy. Well while typing away something so Horrific, so Life Changing, so Evil happened to Miss Amber!
Out of the side of her eye in the blink of an eye a rodents head popped up out of the purse!!!!! YES A FERRET'S HEAD!!!! Well the poor girl had no choice but to scream like H@#*, and jump off of her stool, and against the wall! So as the stool fell to the side, Miss Amber screamed and tried to use her spidey sense to crawl up the wall FYI she doesn't have spidey sense!
All the while the EVIL FERRET was not phased a bit and was proceeding on his mission to accost Miss Amber! But wait for it folks cause even the most seasoned retail sales people could not have predicted what was next! The woman rushed over to the desk and she grabbed her purse, which by that point the EVIL FERRET was scaling the handle while sporting his blue collar of death! She then proceeded to yell at poor terrified Miss Amber for being so loud and frightening "Bo Bo"! Yes you heard me correctly the EVIL FERRET had the name of a CLOWN!!!! As if that wasn't enough, the thing proceeded to climb the woman like a scratch post!
OK here is the deal-i-oso!! Why would you take a Ferret in a store???? And why would you not forewarn someone that at any moment the freakin thing could pull a "Pop Goes the Weasel" on their booty? HELLO??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? I mean there are certain store's, restaurants, heck even house's that Miss Amber will not take her children because she is not willing to impose on people. Why would anyone think it was super stellar cool to go shopping with a FERRET????
Now even though Miss Amber is beyond sweet, even she has a breaking point and that point was crossed 1/2 a second after the EVIL FERRET made his debut! So after trying to collect herself and fighting the urge to use the stool as a projectile at the EVIL FERRET and his Demonic Handler. She did the only thing she that you could after being scolded for screaming at her surprise attacker she asked her kindly in her most steady/serial killer voice to "Please retrieve your rat, and take him away! Seriously!" . To which the woman did in a huff while spewing something that sounded as another scolding.
It has been my experience that when you have not only frightened Miss Amber, but also angered her it was the best decision that the Demonic Handler did by leaving. There are the moments in one's life that you have to ask "Where do these people come from?" , then you have to ask your doctor for anxiety medication because you are poor nerves are shot!
After this incident the Sirens will exercise their right to ask that you Please Leave All Rat's, Ferret's, Goldfish, and Crazy People at HOME!!!!!
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This is pretty much what "Bo Bo" EVIL FERRET LOOKED LIKE! |
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