Often it is funny to see and understand the differences between Miss Ryan and Miss Amber. I really think that it is a complete hoot when you see how well the girls get on, and then see how utterly different they really are. This is part of the charm that I think makes Sagebrush Sirens really what it is, think of it this way while Miss Ryan can give you quotes from High Noon and Rio Bravo all while sporting sweet boots, and Miss Amber can give you quotes from Legally Blonde and Clueless while sporting her latest stilettos craze! You are well covered on both sides of the spectrum and really who doesn't love that!
Miss Amber is well to put it quite honestly she is well a bit of a social creature! I mean hello she surrounded herself with a small daycare at home why would you expect her to thrive in a desolate or isolated place.
This in lies the reason that when she saw were Miss Ryan's mom lived she was in complete shock, horror, and felt like she needed to escape to civilization asap! I mean don't get me wrong they live in a beautiful place but to far out for my liking. You see most people enjoy going into seclusion, Miss Amber on the other hand escapes by getting surrounded by many :) The girl searches out her main needs, coffee, shoes, and conversation! With out the three this girl could very well die! So you can only imagine the dismay that a girl like me would and could have about living in the country, and away from a Starbucks.
Now I do adore Miss Ryan and think that the girl deserves a break but when asked if she was having fun on her visit to Arizona and she responded back with" yes, we roped for 5 hours yesterday and we are moving livestock to the high country tomorrow" well you can just imagine the shock, and well confusion Miss Amber would have when trying to understand, A: Why? B: It is done on a horse correct? C: Um you are close to a Mall right?
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Be Honest And Sell More!
How many times have you as a woman been faced with the terrible lighting in the super unflattering mirror at a changing room, and had the sales associate try and convince you that the tangerine orange is TOTALLY your color?
OK first of all you will NEVER deal with that when you shop with Sagebrush Sirens! And here is why. You see Miss Amber is well honest! Plus her paycheck stays the same regardless of whether or not she sells you a lime green t-shirt or not :)
Also she is well probably not the best liar in the world. You see she can't dare to let you leave the store in something that makes you appear dreadful, because she doesn't want you telling people she dressed you like a color blind lunatic! If she says you look good, well you do. If she says in a nice way, um negatory on that one ghost rider, it means put it back and ask her what she would suggest :) As well as the ability she has to try to uplift and help redirect those terrible self images all of us woman are plagued with. You know the ones, oh I can't possibly be a size 10 I have had a child. Or I can't wear short sleeves my arms are flabby. She is going to be the first to tell you if you look Amazing in that great Double D jacket you picked, or if maybe its just not your style.
This is the great ability that Miss Amber has while working at Sagebrush Sirens, you see 90% of the clothes that are in the store are going to be things that she and Miss Ryan have looked at and really well just fell in love with! These girls love the store and there for love to make sure all the merchandise in the store is something that they would love to wear too :)
Plus girls take it from a girl that has been in that dressing room in the tangerine color and had a girl try to convince her that it was really just the bee's knee's in awesome! If I don't want to be lied to when shopping ( which happens often) I would never let it happen to you!
Really the main goal of any sale in the store is that you #1 LOVE IT, #2 CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT #3 FEEL GREAT IN IT! This is often why I will tell ladies, hey put it back and walk away, if you can't stop thinking about it come back! This is a no guilt way of shopping plus, come on you know I will put it in the back for you!
So please know that whether you call to make an order, or come in to try things on you are going to be met with honesty, respect, and you are going to leave with a guilt free purchase!
OK first of all you will NEVER deal with that when you shop with Sagebrush Sirens! And here is why. You see Miss Amber is well honest! Plus her paycheck stays the same regardless of whether or not she sells you a lime green t-shirt or not :)
Also she is well probably not the best liar in the world. You see she can't dare to let you leave the store in something that makes you appear dreadful, because she doesn't want you telling people she dressed you like a color blind lunatic! If she says you look good, well you do. If she says in a nice way, um negatory on that one ghost rider, it means put it back and ask her what she would suggest :) As well as the ability she has to try to uplift and help redirect those terrible self images all of us woman are plagued with. You know the ones, oh I can't possibly be a size 10 I have had a child. Or I can't wear short sleeves my arms are flabby. She is going to be the first to tell you if you look Amazing in that great Double D jacket you picked, or if maybe its just not your style.
This is the great ability that Miss Amber has while working at Sagebrush Sirens, you see 90% of the clothes that are in the store are going to be things that she and Miss Ryan have looked at and really well just fell in love with! These girls love the store and there for love to make sure all the merchandise in the store is something that they would love to wear too :)
Plus girls take it from a girl that has been in that dressing room in the tangerine color and had a girl try to convince her that it was really just the bee's knee's in awesome! If I don't want to be lied to when shopping ( which happens often) I would never let it happen to you!
Really the main goal of any sale in the store is that you #1 LOVE IT, #2 CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT #3 FEEL GREAT IN IT! This is often why I will tell ladies, hey put it back and walk away, if you can't stop thinking about it come back! This is a no guilt way of shopping plus, come on you know I will put it in the back for you!
So please know that whether you call to make an order, or come in to try things on you are going to be met with honesty, respect, and you are going to leave with a guilt free purchase!
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See Service with not only a smile but integrity too! |
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Working Retail When Sick
It is a known fact that well Miss Ryan and Miss Amber are well Type A personalities with Miss Ryan having a splash of John Wayne and Miss Amber with a splash of Stepford Wife. So you can imagine that with this mix neither of these girls really likes to ever admit defeat when it comes to a measly little cold. I mean hello if you can walk, talk, and get dressed you can work.
So with Miss Ryan heading off to Arizona for some MUCH deserved and needed time away, Miss Amber is in the store. This can either work one of two ways, do to the fact that Miss Amber is running on DayQuil, Sudifed, and Cough drops. Either the store will be frighteningly quiet (bahahaha, quiet with Miss Amber!) , or under the over the counter medications things are going to be selling like hotcakes because bless her lil heart she wants to make sure she can say Miss Ryan never you fear the store is bustling online and on location with sales like crazy!
It is during the DayQuil induced I will sell like my life depends on it haze that Miss Amber is making the vow to sell out the last 3 Tasha Polizzi Scout Jackets, and the last Double D t-shirts , all before March 3! So here is how this will go, you get these items, Miss Amber keeps her head down and eye on the prize, and Miss Ryan gets to know that even when Miss Amber is ill she can still sell Ice to Eskimos!
Though it will entertain you to all know, that during a sales speech this very morning Miss Amber was hit with a coughing jag that well scared the socks off her customers, and while trying to maintain her cool she actually stated " Yep, hack hack hack, if I had just worn my Tasha coat in this weather , hack hack hack, I wouldn't have this cold!" Must be either the fear of her dying in front of them or the fact that she had a valid point because the lady asked her to hold the coat for her!
You see anyone can work, but to work with a cold, and to sell with a smile is a total different ball game! Not to mention the fact that Miss Amber is sporting the outfit her daughter picked for her today , minus the hot pink hair extensions lol Though the girl made a good call on everything! From the slightly fitted blazer, to the screen print tee that says "Of course I am in Love with You Darling", skinny jeans, and VS furry boots, not to mention the silver necklace and the blingy rose ring , I must say Miss Amber at least looks better than she feels : )
So with the amazing cold med haze I am going to continue to charm those who come in , shamelessly sell like my life depends on it online, and re-work the window display. I am seeing boots lots of boots, with more jewelry than should ever be on display, match that with star lights, and led lights and all will be right in the world of retail!
So with Miss Ryan heading off to Arizona for some MUCH deserved and needed time away, Miss Amber is in the store. This can either work one of two ways, do to the fact that Miss Amber is running on DayQuil, Sudifed, and Cough drops. Either the store will be frighteningly quiet (bahahaha, quiet with Miss Amber!) , or under the over the counter medications things are going to be selling like hotcakes because bless her lil heart she wants to make sure she can say Miss Ryan never you fear the store is bustling online and on location with sales like crazy!
It is during the DayQuil induced I will sell like my life depends on it haze that Miss Amber is making the vow to sell out the last 3 Tasha Polizzi Scout Jackets, and the last Double D t-shirts , all before March 3! So here is how this will go, you get these items, Miss Amber keeps her head down and eye on the prize, and Miss Ryan gets to know that even when Miss Amber is ill she can still sell Ice to Eskimos!
Though it will entertain you to all know, that during a sales speech this very morning Miss Amber was hit with a coughing jag that well scared the socks off her customers, and while trying to maintain her cool she actually stated " Yep, hack hack hack, if I had just worn my Tasha coat in this weather , hack hack hack, I wouldn't have this cold!" Must be either the fear of her dying in front of them or the fact that she had a valid point because the lady asked her to hold the coat for her!
You see anyone can work, but to work with a cold, and to sell with a smile is a total different ball game! Not to mention the fact that Miss Amber is sporting the outfit her daughter picked for her today , minus the hot pink hair extensions lol Though the girl made a good call on everything! From the slightly fitted blazer, to the screen print tee that says "Of course I am in Love with You Darling", skinny jeans, and VS furry boots, not to mention the silver necklace and the blingy rose ring , I must say Miss Amber at least looks better than she feels : )
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Not so bad for being dressed by the fancy Aubry under cold med influence ! |
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get this 50% OFF go online!!! |
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Get this on our site 50% OFF! |
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Yours for only $71 !!!! SAVE online !!!! |
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Dress Like a Nine Year Old and Look High Fashion!
As many of you faithful blog followers already know Miss Amber is the mother of 4 children. (We know its surprises us everyday!) So with this eclectic grouping of three girls, the lone ranger aka dragon boy, and sometimes Twitch we are really very seldom without material, for life, blog, or humor!
The trends for this upcoming Spring, and Summer are well as across the board as you can get! From the reintroduction of the higher waisted jeans (praise to God! if I see another cracky I really don't know what I will do!), as well as the one of the best color palettes that is out there, not to mention from stripes, hats, ruffles, and cork wedges we are well getting hit up with a cornucopia off fashion do's and and don'ts.
Now it may surprise you that I believe that if we were all able to have the confidence and lack of fear in our daily wardrobe choices we would all be extremely self confident, and look beautified as my little fancy Aubry would say. This girl gets dressed without fear! She loves accessories of all types! From beads to feathers, tutus and jeans, plether jeggings with high tops, and skulls with lace this girl throws caution to the wind. So when looking and pouring over all of the new trends of the upcoming season I decided to interview her on her thoughts of some of the more forefront fashion trends that are popping up to see what her take was on them. The interview is a unabashed , uninhibited take of fashion, and reasoning that well can only be summed up as Fantastic!
What do you think of Stripes being worn on shirts, pants, and dresses?
fancy Aubry: Stripes are simply great! You can match them with all colors, and they always look good with lots of beads! Oh and I love them with my rainbow high tops cause they just spark. (large hand movements, and pointing out of her favorite stripe combo which included a striped shirt with a loud striped skirt and her shoes, and about a dozen shiny beaded necklaces)
What about the idea that we should wear ruffles with men's blazers to which I refer to a picture out of a Lucky Mag. ?
fancy Aubry: Well that is cool! I would wear a jacket in Purple tho, instead of the white one, and I would wear glittery ballet shoes! This would look great on her if she had a fun headband and added feathers to her curls. I think it would look really fashionable. Plus she needs to smile, she is wearing fun clothes be happy about your outfit! (oh the wisdom from the youth)
Here a girl is wearing a bright , longer length skirt, with a colorful blouse would you wear this?(very Mad Men fashion)
fancy Aubry: I love love love love the skirt!!!!! But the shirt is old looking, its like (she whispers) a grandma shirt (covers mouth and giggles).
So what would you wear with it?
I would put my skeleton glitter black shirt with ruffles on the bottom with the skirt, and I would totally wear my knee highs with the silver hearts and my buckle dress shoes. But my hair oh oh mom I would put my hair up high with spikes and my diamond clippies all over, and my pink braid barrettes! Oh that would be so so spectacular!!!!
So what do you think about the outfits that are in this ad (Tommy Hilfiger's new line very preppy, retro)?
fancy Aubry: Um OK, so why doesn't he have more colors? Its too white, and I can only wear a sweater vest if I have my hot pink tutu skirt, and my white collared shirt, plus I would wear my dazzled jewel sandals! And pig tails with lots of beads and bows in them. And definitely a purple star jewel sticker on my cheek! That would be amazing, and I would have my cupcake purse. (big smile)
Well miss Aubry what do you think about (deep breath) the way mommy dresses?
fancy Aubry: you always are beautiful, but you need more tutus, high tops, and mom oh mom put glitter polish on your nails in all my colors, with your purple high heels! I love your high heels and I would wear them all day! But you have to put your hair up with braids, and curls more, and I will let you borrow my clips for your look :D (I promise pictures of her fashion make over will follow!)
Well thank you for telling me your views on the new trends, what is your biggest advice to the girls that get dressed in the morning?
fancy Aubry: Dress happy! Wear everything that makes you smile, and even things that you never see anyone else wearing! I love to put everything fun in my hair, its fun when my friend's ask where I got my feathers, beads, and clips, or tiaras. Also never say you are too big, you are never to big to wear the things you love! My choir teacher has colors in her hair, and always looks great and happy! Plus if people tease you offer to help them with their outfits, at least then they won't be sad.
There you have it folks this season take a look at the fashion trends that you love and WEAR THEM! Don't stick with the old just because you are afraid to venture out! This is a season that if you play it right you can look feminine, fashion forward, and maybe even add a bit of trend to your own little town!
Now when you all see the amazing changes in styles from Double D Ranch Wear, Tasha Polizzi, and Boulet go for atleast one item that you would never have dreamed to wear and think of fancy Aubry when you do it!
The trends for this upcoming Spring, and Summer are well as across the board as you can get! From the reintroduction of the higher waisted jeans (praise to God! if I see another cracky I really don't know what I will do!), as well as the one of the best color palettes that is out there, not to mention from stripes, hats, ruffles, and cork wedges we are well getting hit up with a cornucopia off fashion do's and and don'ts.
Now it may surprise you that I believe that if we were all able to have the confidence and lack of fear in our daily wardrobe choices we would all be extremely self confident, and look beautified as my little fancy Aubry would say. This girl gets dressed without fear! She loves accessories of all types! From beads to feathers, tutus and jeans, plether jeggings with high tops, and skulls with lace this girl throws caution to the wind. So when looking and pouring over all of the new trends of the upcoming season I decided to interview her on her thoughts of some of the more forefront fashion trends that are popping up to see what her take was on them. The interview is a unabashed , uninhibited take of fashion, and reasoning that well can only be summed up as Fantastic!
What do you think of Stripes being worn on shirts, pants, and dresses?
fancy Aubry: Stripes are simply great! You can match them with all colors, and they always look good with lots of beads! Oh and I love them with my rainbow high tops cause they just spark. (large hand movements, and pointing out of her favorite stripe combo which included a striped shirt with a loud striped skirt and her shoes, and about a dozen shiny beaded necklaces)
What about the idea that we should wear ruffles with men's blazers to which I refer to a picture out of a Lucky Mag. ?
fancy Aubry: Well that is cool! I would wear a jacket in Purple tho, instead of the white one, and I would wear glittery ballet shoes! This would look great on her if she had a fun headband and added feathers to her curls. I think it would look really fashionable. Plus she needs to smile, she is wearing fun clothes be happy about your outfit! (oh the wisdom from the youth)
Here a girl is wearing a bright , longer length skirt, with a colorful blouse would you wear this?(very Mad Men fashion)
fancy Aubry: I love love love love the skirt!!!!! But the shirt is old looking, its like (she whispers) a grandma shirt (covers mouth and giggles).
So what would you wear with it?
I would put my skeleton glitter black shirt with ruffles on the bottom with the skirt, and I would totally wear my knee highs with the silver hearts and my buckle dress shoes. But my hair oh oh mom I would put my hair up high with spikes and my diamond clippies all over, and my pink braid barrettes! Oh that would be so so spectacular!!!!
So what do you think about the outfits that are in this ad (Tommy Hilfiger's new line very preppy, retro)?
fancy Aubry: Um OK, so why doesn't he have more colors? Its too white, and I can only wear a sweater vest if I have my hot pink tutu skirt, and my white collared shirt, plus I would wear my dazzled jewel sandals! And pig tails with lots of beads and bows in them. And definitely a purple star jewel sticker on my cheek! That would be amazing, and I would have my cupcake purse. (big smile)
Well miss Aubry what do you think about (deep breath) the way mommy dresses?
fancy Aubry: you always are beautiful, but you need more tutus, high tops, and mom oh mom put glitter polish on your nails in all my colors, with your purple high heels! I love your high heels and I would wear them all day! But you have to put your hair up with braids, and curls more, and I will let you borrow my clips for your look :D (I promise pictures of her fashion make over will follow!)
Well thank you for telling me your views on the new trends, what is your biggest advice to the girls that get dressed in the morning?
fancy Aubry: Dress happy! Wear everything that makes you smile, and even things that you never see anyone else wearing! I love to put everything fun in my hair, its fun when my friend's ask where I got my feathers, beads, and clips, or tiaras. Also never say you are too big, you are never to big to wear the things you love! My choir teacher has colors in her hair, and always looks great and happy! Plus if people tease you offer to help them with their outfits, at least then they won't be sad.
There you have it folks this season take a look at the fashion trends that you love and WEAR THEM! Don't stick with the old just because you are afraid to venture out! This is a season that if you play it right you can look feminine, fashion forward, and maybe even add a bit of trend to your own little town!
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She loves shirts with color, and skinnys! Don't forget to add a little color in your hair for effect! |
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Always a girl to wear more accessories than most, and yes there isa bendy straw and mini cupcake in her hair :) |
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When in doubt add a purple tutu! quote from fancy aubry |
Sunday, February 6, 2011
It's Snowing? Oh I know how to walk in snow!
Well folks it has happened, today instead of wearing my trademark stilettos I was logical as Miss Ryan would say and wore my furry VS boots instead! I know I am a total thinker! So with this very logical pair of foot apparel I was positive that well first of all there would be no issues with walking in the snow or on the ice because hello I am wearing boots!
Ah you know that old saying if you have a plan tell it to God so he can have a good laugh? Well I truly believe that is and was exactly just what happened to me today! You see I was going to shovel the front walk because I am a giver, and also because it was completely covered out on our entrance into the store. So first I had the shovel, (ladies,and gentleman, this is NOT what I do, I am a lot of things, but snow shoveler is not on the list) It really should have been a sign when I thought out loud mind you, "Dang, it is slippery" ah at that moment as I turned to toss the shovel of snow off to the side I in one fell swoop did a fall that quite frankly may be the best described by first asking if you have ever seen a dog on skates? I not only slid, skid, and then gracefully (Not everyly so much on the graceful part) ate it into the snow pile with wait for it, my FACE!!! OK now listen, I am well at this point checking all major body parts, swiping snow out of my eyes and off my face, while oh ya did I mention that there was a sweet group of snowboarding dressed guys that just so happened to be crossing from the Pollard over to my corner? Oh ya it was sweet!
Now here is the funny part, as they were asking oh are you OK? I was unsuccessfully trying to get up! Ya God was uber funny today! I mean down right hysterical! Because every time I would try to get my footing and stand I would slip and get just deeper over to the snow piled on the side! Seeing that I had about the same amount of skill as Corky from Life Goes On in a hockey tournament, the sweet guys helped me up.
This is were I thanked them and laughed at how really this is just a fluke thing and that I had underestimated my strength when I was shoveling and tossing the snow. (ya not at all convincing!) They were sweet and one of them took the shovel and did the job in literally two min!!! You see he worked that shovel like a scalpel in the hands of Doogie Howser MD!
So with a totally bruised ego, self image, and the new found understanding that I shall employ an elf from the North Pole to do our shoveling at the store, I have decided that I should get an E for Effort on my trying to shovel, but that I really should have just opted for the stilettos!
Ah you know that old saying if you have a plan tell it to God so he can have a good laugh? Well I truly believe that is and was exactly just what happened to me today! You see I was going to shovel the front walk because I am a giver, and also because it was completely covered out on our entrance into the store. So first I had the shovel, (ladies,and gentleman, this is NOT what I do, I am a lot of things, but snow shoveler is not on the list) It really should have been a sign when I thought out loud mind you, "Dang, it is slippery" ah at that moment as I turned to toss the shovel of snow off to the side I in one fell swoop did a fall that quite frankly may be the best described by first asking if you have ever seen a dog on skates? I not only slid, skid, and then gracefully (Not everyly so much on the graceful part) ate it into the snow pile with wait for it, my FACE!!! OK now listen, I am well at this point checking all major body parts, swiping snow out of my eyes and off my face, while oh ya did I mention that there was a sweet group of snowboarding dressed guys that just so happened to be crossing from the Pollard over to my corner? Oh ya it was sweet!
Now here is the funny part, as they were asking oh are you OK? I was unsuccessfully trying to get up! Ya God was uber funny today! I mean down right hysterical! Because every time I would try to get my footing and stand I would slip and get just deeper over to the snow piled on the side! Seeing that I had about the same amount of skill as Corky from Life Goes On in a hockey tournament, the sweet guys helped me up.
This is were I thanked them and laughed at how really this is just a fluke thing and that I had underestimated my strength when I was shoveling and tossing the snow. (ya not at all convincing!) They were sweet and one of them took the shovel and did the job in literally two min!!! You see he worked that shovel like a scalpel in the hands of Doogie Howser MD!
So with a totally bruised ego, self image, and the new found understanding that I shall employ an elf from the North Pole to do our shoveling at the store, I have decided that I should get an E for Effort on my trying to shovel, but that I really should have just opted for the stilettos!
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Miss Amber Recovering with coffee (Notice the cup) |
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scene of my demise (it just looks dangerous!) |
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