Often it is funny to see and understand the differences between Miss Ryan and Miss Amber. I really think that it is a complete hoot when you see how well the girls get on, and then see how utterly different they really are. This is part of the charm that I think makes Sagebrush Sirens really what it is, think of it this way while Miss Ryan can give you quotes from High Noon and Rio Bravo all while sporting sweet boots, and Miss Amber can give you quotes from Legally Blonde and Clueless while sporting her latest stilettos craze! You are well covered on both sides of the spectrum and really who doesn't love that!
Miss Amber is well to put it quite honestly she is well a bit of a social creature! I mean hello she surrounded herself with a small daycare at home why would you expect her to thrive in a desolate or isolated place.
This in lies the reason that when she saw were Miss Ryan's mom lived she was in complete shock, horror, and felt like she needed to escape to civilization asap! I mean don't get me wrong they live in a beautiful place but to far out for my liking. You see most people enjoy going into seclusion, Miss Amber on the other hand escapes by getting surrounded by many :) The girl searches out her main needs, coffee, shoes, and conversation! With out the three this girl could very well die! So you can only imagine the dismay that a girl like me would and could have about living in the country, and away from a Starbucks.
Now I do adore Miss Ryan and think that the girl deserves a break but when asked if she was having fun on her visit to Arizona and she responded back with" yes, we roped for 5 hours yesterday and we are moving livestock to the high country tomorrow" well you can just imagine the shock, and well confusion Miss Amber would have when trying to understand, A: Why? B: It is done on a horse correct? C: Um you are close to a Mall right?
This ladies and gentlemen is exactly what I am talking about! Miss Amber would go to vaca to a place she could shop, socialize and relax. Miss Ryan she goes to a place were there is what sounds closely like rodeo activities, and there is the definite promise and guarantee of horses, branding, and roping!
I do believe the best convo was when Miss Ryan stated she was headed to the mall! Oh man you can imagine how everly so excited Miss Amber was about this! I mean come on you take Miss Amber to a mall and there is a full on ritual of shopping that could be considered a religious experience, she can and does actually reach a state of ZEN!
So when talking to Miss Ryan about how the mall was she was in shock and horror that Miss Ryan was just not into shopping and wait ladies, (deep breath!) she only got eye liner, and a dress!!!!! OK first Miss Amber was well close to her triple shot (praise be to the lord almighty!) because she almost passed out! And it was super funny for Miss Ryan to be like "Well I just wasn't in the mood" I mean how do you go to a mall and not be or get in the mood to shop? This was so unbelievable to Miss Amber! Though it was really a very stellar moment! You see Miss Amber is getting the Cowgirl Education from Miss Ryan (which I might add is going very well), but ladies and gents this was the first time Miss Amber could say "Oh girl do I have some things to teach you!" I know right?! Often it is the other way around you know ?
It was at this very moment that Miss Amber felt such inspiration! Probably like Miss Ryan did when she realized Miss Amber didn't know thing one about power tools, rodeo, broncs etc!
So do to this amazing revelation Miss Amber has decided that with time, nurturing, and baby steps she can make Miss Ryan into a shopping Diva like herself! Oh and don't you think for one second Miss Ryan isn't going to adore this LOL (insert a moment for Miss Ryan to gasp)You see it was all quite clear to me the very different view of fun we have when she text that she branded a whole day (wow be still my beating heart!) and wait for it may have destroyed her new jeans! It was at that moment that the distinct difference of why I would never wear my new jeans by Iron Horse to brand or well lets be honest ever brand and she not only would sport her new jeans but she would also well brand! So first steps first we shall keep that genuinely amazing and authentic cowgirl that she is and we will well add a bit of bend and snap to the situation!
Kind of like how she lets me sport my stilettos and climb ladders and use power tools!
You see when she needs shoe advice or for me to take on a so called shoe expert (who I am plotting to prove very wrong at the moment) she calls and if I ever need to know or how to use a tool, horse, or get stuck in an impromptu branding expedition I will speed dial her so quick the world will stop and notice. I mean hello she knows the whole branding deal-i-oso which no lie when she told me of the branding thing I did think out loud "Why is there blood, and fur?" but no worries a customer informed me that is how the ranches put their names on things. Still puzzled why one would willing do this in NEW IRON HORSE JEANS!!!!
So keep reading our blogs and we will update you on the education of both Miss Ryan and Miss Amber I will keep you posted!
You wore your NEW Iron Horse Jeans to do what??? |
Let us all have a moment of silence for the jeans that were sacrificed for the branding deal-i-oso |
Just Drink the Triple Shot Miss Amber! |
These were the victim of the branding thingy. May they rest in peace! |
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