Oh it is so cute when I think that I can do things! I mean like today for some reason I was like hells ya I can hang that cowhide! I mean really how hard could it be? I already know how to wield a hammer and nails, and I have dang near mastered the ladder!
So after vacuuming and shaking out my furry little friend who resides on the floor I thought poor Lil guy he is always getting stepped on and I mean can you imagine the damage that is doing to his hair? The split ends must be out of control!
It was with this brilliant revelation that I Miss Amber got all sorts of Handy Manny! I mean you guys should of see my mad skills! I grabbed the hammer and the nails (oh ya I knew right were they where too! ) And I was like hold the phone I will get the ladder too, I mean I was on a roll! It was like watching a master carpenter at work! The ninja skills were all being shown, (wax on wax off) and for a minute there I forgot who I was and actually thought this was going to go just as planned in my head! (first mistake)
Now all went smooth as butter I put the ladder up, set the hammer and nails on the Lil shelf thingy, and proceeded to grab my Lil cow hide buddy Ferdinand. Here is were things turn really , really bad. So I am a little person and well the hide is bigger in size and arguably in weight too. Now when I had shook him out I realized that this was done by me pulling the hide out to the front down the steps and then standing and shaking (it was exhausting! which should have been a BIG sign).
Well I pulled Ferdinand over to the ladder, and then like it would help I put the hide on the clothes rack, in theory I was going to gain leverage with the ladder and easily pull the hide up. Here is the thing the ladder is not all that stable when you try to use it in this manner! I kid you not I had one hand on the ladder, one on the hide and well I took a total digger ladder, hide, me all into the clothes racks on the wall!
Now it is at moments like this that you either laugh or cry, I busted out laughing at the idea of someone walking in and finding me with the hide , and ladder on me impaled by the waterfall clothes racks full of Double D!!!! It was at this moment when I got out from under the hide, ladder, and Double D that I had to shake my head and say "I couldn't make this kind of material up!"
After regrouping, and putting away the death ladder, hammer, nails, and re-situating the hide of Ferdinand back on the floor I realized he must get sold! He is very comfy to lay on, has fabulous coloring and coat, and well you would be saving Miss Amber from a death by cowhide!
Look I was prepared! |
That's right I even knew where everything was! |
Notice Double D Jackets, and a innocent looking ladder! (EVIL Ladder!) |
Arm Injury from tumble! (Retail is Dangerous People!) |
Miss Amber being comforted by Ferdinand (he is everly so soft!) |
You can have Ferdinand for only $250.00 |
OK, Miss Amber, so you had me totally laughing over coffee this morning! I love your posts! Too funny, and I can identify with the dangers of being in retail. Oh, the things we do in the spirit of sales!