OK you know how there are those days in retail where anything feels like it can happen and well it does? This was our day. You see Twitch and I were holding down the fort here at the store while Ryan went to do other things. (we don't know what these things are but we do get coffee and goodies when she returns :)
So there we were minding our own business me on the phone with customers, filling out post cards to our sweet Gift Party, and Twitch pondering world peace, boots, and the weeds outside (he is a multi tasker too, that is why we mesh). It is during this peaceful time that out of no where Twitch runs in the office all out of sorts! I being caring and concerned find that he is all in a tizzy due to the attack of a non leash wearing, rumored to have rabies situation in the form of a lab at our back door!
As he runs circles around my leg's with his rope I am faced with the decision that all hero's must deal with who do you save first? Yourself or the puppy wrapping the rope around your legs?
Of course I am a giver and by golly Twitch was who I must save! So with reflexes of a cat and the strength a woman in a Jimmy Choo Shoe sale I showed the rabies bearing giant black fur clothed ball of pure evil who was boss! How did she do this you may ask she has no lasso skills! I screamed at it of course!!! I told him to get! Cowgirl or not this approach worked and after detangling my Lil sidekick and holding him with the pure satisfaction of Superman after a rescue once again Sagebrush Sirens was safe to sell retail again!
Love it Miss Amber :) Brightened my day for sure