Thursday, December 2, 2010

Twitch's Week without Mom

Well folks this week well has been educational! Twitch has been my Lil buddy for the week since Miss Ryan went to Vegas. We both knew we would rock the time she was out and about but truly I must say I was not prepared for what was to come.
Many of you know that I am a mommy to 4 sweet and amazing Lil people (how this happen lord only knows ;)) Now with the addition of a puppy to the house I was sure that it would go as planned. Twitch would be a fabulous addition, all the children would follow all of the rules for the puppy, and we would live in harmony.
Here's the dealioso my children and Twitch has joined in a force that is harder to pass than the front door of the pentagon! They have taken over my house!
You see I believe puppies are to be puppies not on the furniture, don't feed them human food, and no puppies in the bed!!!! So ya that is not how it is working out. You see the small children have so far fed Twitch gummy worms, m&m's, and oh did I mention they also have brought him into the beds, give him treats rather than food!
Now there is very little in this world that I believe can do but dang it when met with the Lil precious moment eye's of my Lil ones met with the stare of innocence from Twitch when they decided to sneak him into their room for bedtime! I tell you I have also realized that my children are basically in a undermining plan and scheme to very well take over the world! Between the candy slumber parties, and the late night rendezvous to play chase and tag I think that I may very well lose my religion!
Word to the wise : Children are fabulous , Puppies are amazing, when putting the two together be warned!!!!!

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