There have been many complaints lately that have come across my path with jobs, life, economy and just that how do you love your job Miss Amber? Isn't it hard to always be upbeat, even when its snowing and you see no one? Ah this is so funny to me you see there are many things in my life that I love and my job is totally one of them why? Well read this and maybe you will be able to understand how I am able to do what I do and heck it may help keep you be up beat in your job too!
I for one well I like to sell um EVERYTHING!!! I love making personal goals for the month and then seeing if I can top them. Often I like to pick a certain line and well run with it! This is the month of Rocki Gorman and I have chosen her do to the fact that I love love love selling jewelry and well her items are uber unique and fun to promote! They start from a lower end on price and range right on up there with the more pieces that you want, plus you can make Set's out of her items and that makes me happy. You see its more bang for your buck and why not pass on a savings to those you sell to?
I am a bit of a sales high junky. You see I get more enjoyment from selling a great item to a person than they do obtaining it! Its a bit of an obsession, you see I am a goal oriented type of a gal and it is so fun to reach those goals and see the excitement and happiness on the faces of my customers! I think that when in sales you need to LOVE your products, KNOW your products, and ADORE your customers!!! You see anyone can sell things but can you sell with a good clean conscience? I can and that is because I love, know and adore. These are the top secrets of the trade ladies and gents I mean Hello this is sweet info and tips for any of you in retail or life!!!
You may say "But I just can't get into the items that the store I work at sells" . OK not to be mean but that sounds like an excuse to me. You see I am as far from cowgirl as you can get, but I came into the store and picked the lines I loved and the clothes that I could definitely sport cowgirl or not. You see you need to understand that the line of clothes, jewelry, etc are about the people that are making, selling, and working with you for these lines. I adore the sales reps that we have, and know and love them by first name, and we work together constantly to get in special orders, fun pieces that we can't live with out, and more. You see when you know the product and the people behind the product you are bound to be able to back it, support, and sell it with satisfaction and knowledge!
"But Miss Amber I am bored with the same ol same ol routine". This is such a cop out! Listen when you enter into any position be it in sales, accounting, teaching, you have to constantly want to bring more to the job. If you have a good relationship with your boss like I do and a true passion for your job and the business you are in you can ALWAYS add to it! For example as many of you know we have a website This is a HUGE part of our company! Now if I were to just be like eh I don't do web site's and show no interest in learning the In's and out's of this part of our company you can only imagine how much of a disadvantage I would be at in sales! If you work for a company it is your RESPONSIBILITY to learn all aspects of that business! Also so much of becoming a name as a store is being out there! I shamelessly promote Sagebrush Sirens to EVERYONE!!! I work on the blog as a way to give us a face in the public minds, and we both work on Face book and Twitter to promote sales, products, and events. If you are willing to give your all believe me your boss will notice and you are going to feel excited to work everyday!
"What do I do if I have an idea and am afraid to bring it my boss?" NEVER EVER BE AFRAID!!! Listen your boss is wanting to make their business a success and any ideas that you can bring to the table is a help! It is nothing for me or Miss Ryan to send links via text for new products, ideas for ad's or just fun little things that we find to each other! You have to become fully engulfed in your position! I love what I do and this is a great advantage I know, but you can love ANY job if you take the right attitude!
Also look at every customer as a contact! The people that I sell to are fast friends! I adore the customer's that I sell too, and almost all of them are friends outside of the store! This is the key don't treat those that you sell to as anything less than a good friend! The key to any successful career is to make good connections, and life long friendships from your meetings!
"I am constantly hitting a rut in my job" So we have all been there were there are just those days that you feel like you have the case of the Monday's! Push through it! If you have to re-arrange, file, or whatever just give thanks for the job you have and feel blessed for this job! I can't tell you how important it is to name and even list the blessings that you have because of the job you work at! This is a great tip for those days that you have a case of the Monday's that you just can't shake! Often the pros will out weigh any of the con's on one of these days!
So really just love your job, love what you do, and throw your whole heart and soul into any position that you are in and you and your boss are bound to see and appreciate your effort! Plus (shameless plug) Check out my Rocki Gorman Month Select Favorite Items!!!! These are my top picks for the month and all qualify for FREE SHIPPING!!!! Either come see me at the store, or check us out online
3D Cross Path Pendant $182.00 |
Cloud Earrings Retired Stones and Design $282.00 |
Ojo de Dios Bracelet Retired $399.00 |
Vintage Square Earrings $132.00 |
Vintage 3D Cross Path Pendant $196.00